
Monday 22 May 2017


For the last few weeks, we have been learning about insects. We had to do a lot of research to find all of the information about the insects to put onto a padlet. Then, we put it all onto the following slide.

Friday 19 May 2017

Praying Mantis

This week, we made an information report on an insect of our choice.

Praying Mantis!!!

Have you ever seen a praying mantis? Because, they, like most insects, have 6 legs, antennae, compound eyes and 3 body parts.

Praying mantises live in lots of different places but are normally found in tropical rain-forests, meadow-lands, deserts and grasslands. Praying mantises normally come out in the middle of Autumn.

Praying mantises are carnivores, which means that they eat insects, rodents, small snakes, birds and frogs. At night, they often look for moths to eat. They can do this easily because they can spin their heads up to 180° and are professionals at camouflaging.

The praying mantis is named because of it’s front legs, which are in a position which looks like it is praying. It uses it’s front legs to quickly pounce onto their prey. Praying mantises usually live to about 1 year. But the “oldest” mantis is over 87,000,000 years old!!! But the problem is that the mantis is a amber fossil, which means that it is trapped in amber.

The life cycle of the praying mantis is: The female lays the eggs and covers it with a Styrofoam thing which makes a soft egg case. Next, the egg case hardens. After that, the nymphs of the praying mantis will hatch out of the egg case. After a lot of molting, the nymphs turn into adults and the life cycle starts all over again.

A female praying mantis usually lays it’s eggs on twigs in autumn and protects them with something that is a bit like Styrofoam that comes from the female’s body. This forms a protective case around the praying mantis eggs. Mantis egg cases are easy to spot in winter. But, be careful, because if you bring it into your warm house too early, then you may find a few hundred tiny mantises crawling all over your bed.

Even though there are a lot of praying mantises all around the world, I think that you should not stand on them because they can do a lot for you like eat all the moths and devour all the sneaky pests in your garden.

My Audience

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.  :D

Friday 12 May 2017

Stick Insects

Stick insects

Stick Insects
 Have you ever heard of a stick with legs? Stick insects are a type of insect that looks like a stick. They come in 2 main colours which are brown and green.

 Insects are a class of hexapod invertebrates that have exoskeletons, 6 legs, antennae and 3 main body parts: the head, the thorax and the abdomen. The antennae of the stick insect are really long and the body is long and thin and so are the legs and the head is really small. The order of stick insects is Phasmatodea.
 Stick insects look like branches and cannot easily be seen. If you look a a photo of a stick insect, you can barely see it.
 Stick insects live in shrubs, trees, plants and bushes. They mainly eat the leaves of the plant that they live in. The size of the stick insects are 55 Centimeters!

Why I like stick insects
Stick insects are interesting for me because they are really good at camouflaging into other bushes and it is a good thing when it comes to playing hide and seek.


Thursday 11 May 2017

Our Audience

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.

Friday 5 May 2017

Hide & Seek

This week we are writing about hide and seek. First, we had to hiade and then see what we could see, hear, smell and feel. then we had to write about it. we had 3 categories to choose form. a description, a Narrative or a map/Instruction manual.

The Great Beast

Once upon a time In a school, I am running frantically to find a place to hide from a mysterious creature called… Um… Called… Actually I do not know what it is called yet but all we know is that it is dangerous. I am hiding with nobody and it is hard to find a place to hide but I, the great Kuro, saw the best place.

So, it is in the morning and we are told to hide, because the Great Dungeon Keepers (or the G.D.K’s (they’re not very great though… )) said that they were going to unleash the most terrible monster, called a… a… Whatever it’s called (that might actually be it’s name, have to put it in my list of guesses). So that is why I am now frantically trying to find a place to hide.

So I am running around right? So I keep on looking and looking and looking and looking and then I found the perfect hiding place! Have a look at this photo on the right… Just imagine that without the random arm in it, and you can barely see me. But… I can see… YOU.

Then… I saw an intruder and we had an argument about whether It should stay here or not, it went a bit like: “go away”
”go away”
”Go away Go away Go away Go away Go away Go away Go away Go away”
“ I give up”
and then the intruder left and then I went “yay”.

Then, I heard a PLOBINK! of someone falling off something was it a monster??? No, It was just a friendly Jasmine trying to desperately get back into her not-so-secret hiding place. Then I leaned back for a bit, then, I saw a Chloe exploring the wonders of the big blue carpet from behind a chair. (as if carpet was dangerous…)

Then, the apocalypse was over and we were told that it was safe to get out and the beast was tamed. Then we were told to write about our experience and that is what you are reading right now. ( the beast was probably Vocabulary or books or demon toothbrushes or something…)  

Thursday 4 May 2017

Exploring blogs

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.
We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.
